
  • Understand and learn various vocabulary related to weather, including, but not limited to, descriptions of sunny (ensoleillé), rainy (pluvieux), snowy (enneigé), windy (venteux), and cloudy (nuageux) weather.
  • Practice describing current weather conditions. For instance, ‘Il fait beau’ (The weather is nice), ‘Il pleut’ (It’s raining), ‘Il neige’ (It’s snowing) etc.
  • Revise how to talk about weather seasons. For example, ‘En été, il fait chaud’ (In summer, it is hot), ‘En hiver, il fait froid’ (In winter, it is cold), ‘Au printemps, il fait beau’ (In spring, the weather is nice), ‘En automne, il fait frais’ (In autumn, it is cool).
  • Equally important is to be able to discuss weather patterns and how they influence your local community. This may include effects on activities, festivals, agriculture, or overall mood.
  • Be proficient in describing weather in both present and future tenses. For example, ‘Il fait beau aujourd’hui’ (The weather is nice today) and ‘Il va faire chaud demain’ (It’s going to be hot tomorrow).
  • Learn to ask about the weather, such as ‘Quel temps fait-il?’ (What’s the weather like?) and provide appropriate responses.
  • Learn how to express personal preferences and experiences about different weather conditions. For instance, ‘J’aime quand il fait chaud’ (I like when it’s hot), ‘Je n’aime pas quand il pleut’ (I don’t like when it rains) or ‘Je préfère quand il fait frais’ (I prefer when it is cool).
  • Learn and practise phrases expressing consequence of different weather conditions. For example, ‘À cause de la pluie, on ne peut pas sortir’ (Because of the rain, we can’t go out.)
  • Understand climate-related terms such as ‘le changement climatique’ (climate change), ‘le réchauffement global’ (global warming), and ‘l’effet de serre’ (greenhouse effect) to discuss bigger environmental issues associated with weather.
  • To demonstrate a higher level of proficiency, learn to use more complex structures to talk about the weather, such as conditional sentences, e.g., ‘Si il fait beau, nous irons au parc’( If it’s nice, we will go to the park).

Remember that practise is key. Try to implement the new vocabulary into your conversations and written exercises. Feel free to consult your French tutor for extra help or clarification if needed.