Permutations of n different items

Understanding Permutations of n Different Items

  • A permutation refers to the arrangement of a set of items in a particular order.
  • When dealing with permutations of n different items, the number of different permutations possible is equal to n! (n factorial).
  • n! can be calculated by multiplying together all the numbers from n down to 1.
  • The concept of permutation does not allow for repetition of items. Each item is unique and distinct.
  • The order of arrangement is a determining factor in permutations. Changing the order of items results in a different permutation.

Permutation Formula

  • The permutation formula is nPn = n!.
  • It is to be noted that in permutations, unlike combinations, order is important.
  • For instance, in a permutation of 3 different colours (black, white, blue), ‘black-white-blue’ is a different permutation from ‘blue-black-white’.

Practical Applications of Permutations

  • Permutations are frequently used in mathematics to solve problems involving order or arrangement.
  • You may find permutations useful in problem-solving related to scheduling, organisation of events, or any scenario where different orders of arrangement yield different outcomes.

Examples and Exercises

  • Suppose you have three books (Book A, Book B, Book C). The different possible permutations of arranging these books on a shelf are: ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA. Hence, 3P3 = 3! = 6 different permutations.
  • Understanding such examples and practising them can significantly improve your understanding of permutations of n different items.


  • Permuting n different items involves arranging them in all possible orders.
  • The number of possible arrangements is given by nPn = n!.
  • In permutations, order matters: different orders are considered different permutations.
  • Practice is key in mastering the use of permutations in problem-solving.