Permutations with restrictions: letters / items together

Permutations with restrictions: letters / items together

Basic Principles

  • A permutation is the arrangement of elements or objects in a particular order.
  • The process of creating permutations with certain elements or objects grouped together is often referred to as permutations with restrictions.
  • When restricting permutations to group specific items together, they are viewed as a single object during the arrangement process.

Grouping Letters/Items Together

  • Certain permutation problems may require letters or items to be grouped together. This means that these specific items always appear next to each other in the permutation.
  • For such problems, consider the group of items as a single entity or unit at first. The rearrangement then involves this unit and the remaining items.

Calculating Permutations

  • When we group n items together, we first calculate the permutations inside this group which is n! (n factorial), and then work out the permutations of the other items and the group (considered as a single item).
  • The total number of permutations is the product of these two numbers.
  • For instance, if we have 5 items and we need to group 2 of them together, we would have 2! arrangements of the group, and 4! arrangements of the total ‘items’ including the group. So, the total number of permutations is 2! × 4!.

Special Cases

  • If there are duplicate elements in the group or among the other items, those duplicates need to be accounted for as they reduce the total number of unique permutations.
  • To do this, we divide the total number of permutations by the factorials of the multiplicity of each recurring item or letter.

Examples and Applications

  • This concept is frequently applied in problems of arrangements such as seating arrangements, password settings, and various combinatorial problems in probability and statistics.
  • A strong grasp of permutations with restrictions can help solve complex problems in coding theory and cryptography too.

Revision Tips

  • Make sure to understand the principles deeply and apply in various types of problems to gain proficiency.
  • Regular practice using past papers and problem sets can greatly aid in mastering this topic.
  • It’s also helpful to check solutions with online calculators to ensure correctness during practice.
  • Don’t forget to watch tutorial videos if any concept is unclear. These visual aids can significantly help make complex topics easier to understand.