Permutations with restrictions : items must not be together

Permutations with restrictions : items must not be together

Basics of Permutations

  • A permutation refers to an arrangement of objects in a particular order.
  • The number of permutations is calculated by multiplying the number of choices available at each decision point.
  • When all the items are unique, the number of permutations is simply the factorial of the total items.

Permutation Restrictions: Items Must Not be Together

  • Sometimes, restrictions are set for permutations, such as certain items not being allowed to be together.
  • This type of problem is commonly solved in two steps: calculating the total permutations without restrictions and then subtracting the unwanted permutations.

Calculating Total Permutations

  • First, compute the number of total permutations without any restriction.
  • If you have n distinct items, the total number of permutations is n! (n factorial).

Calculating Unwanted Permutations

  • Treat the items that are not allowed to be together as a single item, and then calculate the permutations.
  • For instance, if there are m items out of n which are not supposed to be together, treat them as one single entity. Now, you have n-m+1 items in total.
  • The number of permutations for these (n-m+1) items is (n-m+1)!.

Removing Unwanted Permutations

  • Remember, the items we considered as one single entity can also arrange among themselves. There are m! ways to arrange these.
  • Therefore, unwanted permutations will be (n-m+1)! x m!.

Final Answer

  • To find the number of permutations where certain items are not together, subtract the unwanted permutations from the total permutations.
  • The required number of arrangements is thus n! - (n-m+1)! x m!.

Tips and Tricks

  • When calculating permutations where items should not be together, always first consider the total permutations without restrictions.
  • To take into account the restriction, treat the forbidden items as one item then subtract the resultant arrangements from the total.
  • Note that subtraction is critical here because it helps remove any permutations that violate the restrictions.
  • Regular practice with different scenarios and an understanding of combinatorial principles is key to mastering this concept.