
Understanding Prophethood

  • Prophethood (Risalah) is a fundamental concept in Islam. Muslims believe prophets are appointed by Allah to communicate his message to the people.

  • Prophets are seen as ideal human beings by Muslims, in terms of their faith and moral character. They are known in Islam as ‘messengers’.

Key Prophets in Islam

  • There are 25 prophets mentioned in the Qur’an. These include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Jonah, John the Baptist, Jesus, and Muhammad. Each was given a revelation or message by Allah to guide their people.

  • The Prophet Muhammad is regarded as the Last Prophet and holds a special significance in Islam. He received Allah’s final and complete revelation, the Qur’an.

The Role and Importance of Prophets

  • Prophets in Islam are considered to be the intermediaries between Allah and humanity. They communicate Allah’s word and exemplify how to live according to his guidelines.

  • Through looking at the prophets’ stories, Muslims learn how to practise patience, faith, prayer, love, forgiveness, and other moral and ethical qualities.

  • Prophets are role models for Muslims providing examples of good moral conduct and character. They demonstrate how to follow the Shahadah, the first pillar of Islam which states there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger.

The Prophethood of Muhammad

  • The Prophet Muhammad is considered the last and greatest of all prophets. His life is a model for Muslims on how to lead a moral and meaningful life.

  • The revelations Muhammad received from Allah form the Qur’an, which serves as a guidebook for Muslims on how to live properly.

  • Muslims look at the Prophet Muhammad’s actions (Sunnah) and sayings (Hadith) for guidance in their daily life. His life validates the teachings of the Qur’an and exemplifies their application.