Sanctity of Life and Quality of Life

Sanctity of Life and Quality of Life

Sanctity of Life:

  • This is a belief held by many, particularly religious individuals, that all life is sacred and precious.
  • Christianity teaches that God created life, making it inherently valuable and sacred. This is supported by the biblical quote, Genesis 1:27: “So God created mankind in his own image.”
  • The sanctity of life principle is integral to many discussions involving life and death, particularly in debates involving euthanasia, abortion, and capital punishment.
  • From a secular perspective, sanctity of life is often associated with human rights and the inherent dignity of all people.

Quality of Life:

  • Quality of life refers to the overall wellbeing and happiness of an individual and can encompass physical health, mental health, and lifestyle factors.
  • It is generally recognised that a good quality of life includes feeling safe and secure, having access to basic human needs, being able to engage in enjoyable activities, and experiencing happiness, satisfaction, and fulfilment.
  • The quality of life concept plays a role in discussions about ends of life. Debates around euthanasia, for example, often revolve around arguments about whether a person’s quality of life might be so seriously diminished that they should have the right to choose to end their own life.
  • The balance between sanctity of life and quality of life can become a complex ethical issue. Some may argue that preserving life at all costs is paramount (sanctity of life), while others may argue that it might be more compassionate to prioritise a person’s wellbeing and happiness (quality of life).

Remembering these key points can be valuable when discussing ethical dilemmas related to life and death decisions. Always refer back to specific religious viewpoints and texts where applicable, and try to balance your arguments with both sides of the debate. This will help demonstrate your understanding of the complexity of these issues.