The Big Picture

“The Big Picture” - Key Points to Remember on Issues of Relationships:

  1. Know the various religious views on sexual relationships: Different faiths have diverse attitudes towards sexual activity and understanding these differences is crucial.

  2. Understanding the concept of marriage and its significance in different religions: Every religion views marriage differently with varying rituals, beliefs and expectations.

  3. Cohabitation and its attitudes in religions: Some faiths disagree with cohabitation before marriage, while others hold a more open view.

  4. Grasp the impact of divorce in religious communities: This includes the stigma it can create and how different religions deal with the breakdown of a marital relationship.

  5. Familiarize yourself with religious views on homosexual relationships: Across religions there is a broad range of perspectives on homosexuality, from acceptance to disapproval.

  6. Understand the concept of gender equality in religions: Some religions advocate for equal roles for men and women, while others may have more patriarchal structures.

  7. Understand the role of a family from a religious perspective: The family unit is often vital in religious teachings and practises.

  8. Learn about the religious perspectives on contraception: The level of approval or criticism of contraception can vary widely between different faiths.

  9. Remember to approach all these topics from the two specific religious perspectives you’ve chosen to study: This will provide a more comprehensive understanding of these complex issues.

  10. Finally, be able to evaluate these concepts critically: It’s not only about knowing the facts, but also about being able to provide balanced arguments around these topics.