Economic Factors that Affect Human Growth and Development

Economic Factors that Affect Human Growth and Development

Economic Factors

  • Economic factors are vital as they directly affect the resources available for human growth and development.

Income and Poverty

  • The income of a family or individual has a substantial influence on the opportunities and resources available, affecting overall health and wellbeing.
  • Those with lower incomes might not have access to sufficient healthy food or safe housing, negatively impacting physical growth and health.
  • Poverty can lead to chronic stress, which can affect mental and emotional development.


  • Economic stability can significantly influence a person’s level of education. A higher level of education often leads to better jobs and greater economic stability.
  • Early childhood education is fundamental for cognitive development and aids future economic status.


  • Economic factors directly influence the quality and stability of housing.
  • Poor housing conditions can expose an individual to health hazards and negatively affect physical health.
  • Unstable housing can lead to chronic stress, affecting emotional and cognitive development.

Access to Healthcare

  • Lower income levels might result in poor access to healthcare, which can lead to untreated illnesses affecting physical and mental health.
  • On the other hand, good economic standing can afford high-quality healthcare, regular check-ups and preventive measures, fostering good health.


  • Having stable, good quality employment can provide economic stability, reduce stress levels and offer better living conditions.
  • Employment also provides socialisation opportunities, impacts self-esteem and contributes to one’s mental and emotional wellbeing.
  • Long-term unemployment, however, can create chronic stress and result in poor mental health.


  • Nutrition has a direct correlation with income levels. Lower income might mean less access to healthy and nutritious food affecting physical growth and immunity.
  • Poor nutrition can lead to obesity, malnutrition and other health-related issues which can impact growth and development.

Remember, economic factors intersect with other influences such as environmental, social and cultural to shape an individual’s development.