The Role of Professionals who Work with Individuals who have Dementia

The Role of Professionals who Work with Individuals who have Dementia

Professionals Involved in Dementia Care

  • Community Mental Health Nurse (CMHN): These registered nurses specialise in mental health and provide home-based assistance to managing symptoms, medication, and accessing support networks.
  • General Practitioner (GP): Often, they are the primary point of contact for initial diagnosis, providing continued care, and referral to other specialists like neurologists or geriatricians.
  • Geriatricians: Doctors who specialise in health issues relating to aging, including dementia.
  • Neurologist: This specialist doctor can give a diagnosis and help manage the neurological symptoms of dementia.
  • Psychiatrists: Mental health medical doctors who play a critical role in diagnosing dementia and treating associated mental health problems.

Key Roles in Dementia Care

  • Providing Diagnosis: An important role of healthcare professionals involved in dementia care is the initial diagnosis and identifying the specific type of dementia.
  • Early Intervention and Management: Early intervention by professionals can help slow down the progression of dementia, manage symptoms, and improve the quality of life for people with dementia.
  • Prescribing Medication: Healthcare professionals may prescribe medication to help with symptoms, slow down the disease progression or treat co-existing medical conditions.
  • Support and Education: Professionals provide information, education and support to both the person with dementia and their carers and families.
  • Developing a Care Plan : A personalized plan as per the needs of the individual with dementia is established by the professionals to help manage the disease.
  • Therapeutic Intervention : Providing therapies such as Occupational therapy, Physiotherapy or music and memory therapy to improve physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities.

Support Provided by Health and Social Care Professionals

  • Psychological Support: Psychiatrists and mental health nurses provide help with managing mood disorders, anxiety and behavioural issues.
  • Occupational Therapy : Occupational therapists help with maintaining independence in activities of daily living, like dressing, grooming and eating.
  • Speech and Language Therapy: Communication issues arising from dementia can be addressed by a speech and language therapist.
  • Nutritional Advice : Dieticians provide recommendations on healthy eating to maintain overall health and well-being.
  • Social Support : Social workers or community mental health workers support individuals with dementia and their families in accessing services and resources in the community.

Remember, these professionals form a multidisciplinary team working collaboratively to provide comprehensive care to people living with dementia and their families. They all play a vital role in ensuring that individuals with dementia receive the support, care, and treatment they need to live as independently and comfortably as possible.