The Different Types of Provision Relating to Health and Social Care, and their Characteristics

The Different Types of Provision Relating to Health and Social Care, and their Characteristics

Primary Care Services

  • Recognise the role of General Practitioners (GPs) who are often the first point of contact for patients experiencing health issues.
  • Understand the part played by dental services, offering preventative and treatment facilities, often on the NHS.
  • Recognise the role of community health services like pharmacists, who can offer advice on medications and minor health issues.

Secondary Care Services

  • Define the role of hospital care where patients are usually referred by GPs for urgent, specialist or complex treatment.
  • Familiarise yourself with mental health services which provides help and support to those experiencing emotional or psychological difficulties.
  • Identify the work done by ambulance services, which provides urgent pre-hospital treatment and transport.

Tertiary Care Services

  • Acknowledge the role of specialised health services, like cancer management, neurosurgery, burn care, which are accessed through referral from primary or secondary health services.
  • Understand the need for rehabilitation services that focus on helping people regain lost capabilities after serious illness or injury.

Social Care Services

  • Recognise the role of domiciliary care or home care, which enables individuals with various needs to maintain their independence in their own homes.
  • Get familiar with residential care homes, which provide longer-term personal care for people who can no longer live independently.
  • Comprehend the significance of day centres, which provide social interactions and activities for people who might be isolated at home.
  • Understand the role of nursing homes, providing 24-hour medical care in addition to personal care.

Voluntary Sector and Charitable Organizations

  • Know the contribution of the voluntary sector in health and social care, providing specialised services for particular groups and often filling gaps in state provision.
  • Understand the importance of charitable organisations, delivering a range of health and social care services, often with particular expertise in a condition or group of conditions.

Public Health Services

  • Appreciate the work of public health services which aim to improve the overall health of the population by promoting healthy lifestyles, preventing disease, and protecting against environmental threats.

The Private Sector

  • Understand the role of private healthcare providers and the nature of the services they offer, often on a pay-as-you-go basis or through private insurance.