Interview Skills

Interview Skills

Preparation for interviews

  • Understand the importance of researching the organisation or role you are interviewing for, such as its values, principles, and the details of the job role.

  • Highlight the necessity of practicing common interview questions and preparing thoughtful answers based on your experiences and skills.

  • Acknowledge the value of preparing questions to ask at the end of the interview, to display your interest in the role.

  • Realise the importance of presentation and dressing appropriately for your interview, demonstrating your professionalism.

During the Interview

  • Realise the value of first impressions, including arriving on time, being friendly, and making positive body language.

  • Understand the importance of actively listening to questions, taking a moment to think about your response before you start speaking.

  • Recognise the need to express confidence, speaking clearly, maintaining eye contact, and remaining calm under pressure.

  • Know the significance of being honest and authentic, making sure your responses reflect who you are and what you can contribute.

After the Interview

  • Understand the importance of showing gratitude, which can be a thank you email or note, showing your appreciation for the interview opportunity.

  • Talk about the importance of follow up, by asking for feedback whether or not you were successful in your interview, to identify areas for improvement.

  • Be aware of reflection on your interview experience, identifying what went well and what could be improved for future interviews.

Handling Tough Interview Questions

  • Be ready to answer behavioural questions, which require you to draw on past experiences to demonstrate your skills and abilities.

  • Recognise the importance of answering technical questions, pertaining to your knowledge in health and social care.

  • Understand how to handle scenario-based questions, where you would need to describe what you would do in a given situation.

  • Know the need to tackle personality and interest questions, which allow the interviewer to know more about your character and motivations.