The influence of material factors, cultural factors and labelling

The influence of material factors, cultural factors and labelling

Influence of Material Factors

  • Income and Educational Resources: Lower income families may struggle to provide essential educational resources such as books, computers or private tuition. This can adversely impact a child’s educational performance and opportunities.
  • Quality of Housing: Overcrowded and inadequate living conditions can inhibit study, increase health issues and subsequently affect attendance and concentration at school.
  • Nutrition and Health: Poorer diets and health care among lower socio-economic groups can lead to increased absence from school due to sickness.
  • School Factors: Schools in economically deprived areas may lack resources and attract less experienced or qualified teachers, impacting the quality of education received.

Influence of Cultural Factors

  • Parental Attitudes and Expectations: Parental involvement, expectations and attitudes towards education can influence a child’s academic motivation and aspirations.
  • Language and Communication Skills: Children from disadvantaged backgrounds or non-English speaking families may lack the linguistic skills needed to excel in school.
  • Cultural Capital: More affluent families often have greater knowledge and understanding of the education system, thus enabling them to provide additional support and resources necessary for educational success.
  • Value of Education: The extent to which a culture values education can affect the motivation individuals have toward their studies.

Influence of Labelling

  • Teacher Expectations: The labels and expectations teachers have for students can influence how students perceive their own abilities, which in turn could affect their academic performance and self-esteem.
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Negative labels can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy where students live up to these labels and perform poorly as expected.
  • Streaming and Banding: Labelling can lead to streaming or banding — placing students into different educational ability groups. This can have long-term effects on a student’s educational attainment and self-image.
  • Discrimination and Stereotypes: Labels can be based on stereotypes relating to gender, ethnicity or social class which can disadvantage certain groups within the education system.