Theories of health and disability: Marxist

Theories of health and disability: Marxist

Overview of Marxist Perspective

  • Marxist theories of health and disability emphasise a social class perspective, suggesting that socio-economic status is the primary determinant of health outcomes.
  • They argue that health disparities are a result of capitalism and stem from the inequalities and exploitations within this system.
  • Major health disparities between different socio-economic groups are seen as a reflection of the fundamental inequalities under capitalism, including differences in wealth, power and access to resources.

Illness and Worker Exploitation

  • According to Marxists, the capitalist system exploits workers by pushing them to achieve maximum productivity, often at the detriment of their health and safety.
  • Long working hours, poor working conditions, and job insecurity can lead to physical harm and psychological distress among workers. This creates a higher prevalence of illness and sickness among the working class.
  • Marxists also argue that the capitalist system commodifies health, turning it into a product that can be bought, sold and profited from, rather than a basic human right.

Health Care System Critiques

  • Marxists criticise the health care system under capitalism, arguing it often prioritises profit over patient care.
  • They suggest that pharmaceutical companies, private health care providers and others within the health care industry exploit people’s need for health care for their own financial gain.
  • The health care system, in their view, is fundamentally flawed as it is more focused on treating diseases rather than preventing them – largely because there is more profit in treatment than in prevention.

Marxist Solutions

  • Marxists advocate for a radical transformation of society to a socialist or communist system, where health care is democratically controlled by the people for the common good, rather than for profit.
  • They suggest that economic equality and removal of exploitative practices within the workplace can help achieve better health outcomes for all.

Remember, while Marxist theories offer a critical perspective on health and disability, they are just one approach and their views are contested by other sociological theories.