Patterns and trends of participation and religiosity

  • Over time, there has been a general trend towards the secularisation of society, with many developed countries, including the UK, experiencing a decline in formal religious participation and belief in God.
  • However, Bruce contradicts this by arguing that the influence of religion has not disappeared but simply moved from the public to the private sphere.
  • In contrast to the trend of secularisation, there are patterns of increased sectarianism and fundamentalism noted globally. This phenomenon is sometimes termed as resacrilisation.

Variations in Religious Participation and Belief

  • There are significant contrasts in levels of religious participation between different age groups, with older individuals often showing higher levels of traditional religious participation than younger ones.
  • Data also suggests that women are more religious than men with a higher level participation in formal religious activities.
  • Significant differences in religious participation and belief can often be found between different social classes and ethnic groups.

The Rise of Spiritual Shopping and ‘Pick and Mix’ Religions

  • The growth of individualism in postmodern society has led to a rise in people forming their personal religious belief systems.
  • Hervieu-Leger’s term, the ‘religion of the individual’, describes the current trend where people pick and mix religions in the context of deinstitutionalised religious belief.
  • Similarly, the spread of New Age spiritualities and the popularity of holistic therapies reflect a move away from traditional religious practices towards individual spiritual exploration.

Religion in the Digital Age

  • The internet and social media have changed the way people engage with religion, leading to a rise in online religious participation.
  • Hoover’s research posits that online religious engagement provides a space for people to negotiate their identities and beliefs in ways that traditional religion does not.
  • It also allows for greater religious diversity and pluralism, encouraging the spread of minority religions and creating platforms for dialogue and learning between different faith groups.

Revision suggestion: Research the reasons behind these patterns and trends. What sociological theories explain these changes? Remember to critically evaluate these theories and back up your points with empirical evidence.