Evaluation of Scientific Information

Evaluation of Scientific Information

Evaluation of Scientific Data

Source credibility

  • When evaluating scientific data, the credibility of the source is a key factor.
  • Consider the expertise and reputation of the source or author. Usually, articles and studies from respected scientific journals or institutions are more trustworthy.
  • Review the methodology used in the study. Was the experiment well designed? Was the sample size large enough for the results to be significant?


  • Transparency in a scientific study pertains to the completeness in reporting, and if all relevant data and methods were openly shared.
  • Were there any potential conflicts of interest that may have biassed the outcomes?
  • If the study was funded by a corporation or other interest group, there could be potential bias in the reporting and interpretation of results.

Interpretation of Data

  • Look at how the data has been presented. Are any figures or graphs clear and not misleading?
  • Check if the conclusion drawn aligns with the reported data. Are they overstated or do they accurately reflect the findings?
  • In studies that use statistics, confirm the statistical significance of results, and whether appropriate statistical tests have been used.

Consistency with other Studies

  • In the scientific method, the results should be repeatable and replicable. The same experiment conducted under the same conditions should give similar results.
  • See if the results align with what other credible studies in the same field have found. If not, there could be factors that have not been controlled in the study or errors in data collection.


  • Assess if the data and results of the study are relevant to the scientific question or problem you’re focused on.
  • Always question if the evidence provided helps to answer related scientific issues or add value to ongoing debates.

Remember, critical evaluation skills are essential in science to differentiate between valid, credible studies and flawed, biassed ones.


  • A good scientific study should add new knowledge to its field. Are the findings novel or do they confirm existing beliefs?
  • Consider the impact of the study. Does it help improve our understanding of a scientific issue or has the potential to influence policy or practise?
  • You should take into account the usefulness of a study in adding evidence for or against a scientific concept, solving a problem or providing a new insight.