Uses of Genetic Engineering

Uses of Genetic Engineering


  • Genetic engineering is employed in the field of medicine to produce and enhance various types of medicines and drugs.
  • It allows for the production of insulin, a hormone necessary for the regulation of glucose in the human body.
  • Genetic engineering is a pivotal technique in gene therapy, where faulty genes in an individual can be replaced or corrected.
  • It enables the creation of customised treatments based on an individual’s genetic makeup, a field known as personalised medicine.
  • Research is underway to utilise genetic engineering for the prevention and treatment of genetic diseases, aiming to reduce the likelihood of passing these diseases to future generations.


  • Genetic engineering is used to modify plants, creating genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that are resistant to diseases, pests and harsh weather conditions.
  • It allows for the enhancement of certain traits in crops such as increased yield, better nutritional content, or improved flavour.
  • It has been key in creating drought-resistant crops, helping to ensure food security in areas prone to drought.
  • Genetic engineering enables the production of biofuels from crops, contributing towards sustainable energy solutions.

Animal Husbandry

  • Genetic engineering allows for the creation of transgenic animals that exhibit desirable traits such as increased growth rate or productivity.
  • These techniques can enhance disease resistance in farm animals, reducing losses and improving yield.
  • It is possible to engineer animals to produce human proteins such as the clotting factor IX, used in the treatment of haemophilia.

Environmental Engineering

  • Genetic engineering is employed to develop bacteria capable of cleaning up oil spills, a process known as bioremediation.
  • It also provides solutions to environmental challenges like waste management, by creating organisms that can break down harmful waste products into less harmful or even beneficial substances.

The applications of genetic engineering are diverse and transformative, and ongoing advancements in the field hold great promise for significant improvements across a range of sectors.