Peace and Peacemaking

Peace and Peacemaking

Christian Beliefs about Peace

  • Christians believe in peace as a vital aspect of human life, following the teachings of Jesus Christ who is often referred to as the ‘Prince of Peace’.
  • The Bible promotes peace, love, and forgiveness and condemns hatred, violence, and war.
  • Many Christians understand peace as more than just the absence of conflict but also the presence of justice and harmony.

Peace in the New Testament

  • The New Testament includes many references to peace. For example, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God’ (Matthew 5:9).
  • Additionally, Jesus’s teachings encourage forgiving others, rejecting revenge (turning the other cheek), and loving one’s enemies, emphasising peace and reconciliation.

Christian Peacemaking

  • Christians are called to be peacemakers, following the teachings and example of Jesus. This includes personal peace (forgiving and reconciling with others) and promoting global peace (working against war and promoting justice).
  • Various Christian denominations and organisations actively work to promote peace, resolve conflicts, and support victims of war; examples include The Quakers and Christian Aid.

Christian Perspective on War

  • While Christianity promotes peace, it also provides guidance for dealing with conflicts and wars. The concept of a Just War outlines conditions under which war may be morally acceptable.
  • Principles of a Just War include it being a last resort, having a just cause, being declared by a proper authority, and having a good probability of success.
  • However, a section of Christians adopt Pacifism, fully rejecting war and use of violence under any circumstances.

Christianity and Non-Violent Protest

  • Many Christians advocate for non-violent protest as a means of peacemaking and pursuing justice, following Jesus’s teachings and examples.
  • Prominent Christians like Martin Luther King Jr. used non-violent methods to challenge discrimination and promote social justice.

Peace in Christian Worship

  • Peace is a prominent theme in Christian worship. The Eucharist (Communion) service often includes a ‘sign of peace’ where Christians shake hands or hug as a symbol of peace and reconciliation.
  • Prayers for peace are common in Christian liturgies, and there are various hymns and songs that speak about peace.
  • The Christian greeting of ‘peace be with you’ underlines this value in their faith tradition.