Violence and Conflict

Christian Beliefs about Violence and Conflict

  • Christians believe violence and conflict should be avoided where possible.
  • The Ten Commandments instruct Christians not to murder and to love your neighbour as yourself, suggesting a preference for peace.
  • However, some Christians may interpret particular biblical passages differently, arguing for ‘just war’ under certain specific circumstances.

Jesus’ Teachings on Violence and Conflict

  • Jesus’ teachings often emphasised peace, love, and forgiveness, implying an opposition to violence and conflict.
  • For instance, Jesus said: “Turn the other cheek” when someone strikes you, encouraging non-retaliation.
  • Jesus also urged his followers to “love your enemies” and “pray for those who persecute you”.
  • Nevertheless, Jesus was sometimes depicted as forceful in the New Testament, such as when he cleared the temple of money changers.

Just War Theory

  • Just War Theory is a set of criteria, endorsed by many Christians, that must be met for a war to be considered justified.
  • These criteria include ‘just cause’ (i.e., the war must be in response to a wrong suffered), and ‘last resort’ (all non-violent options must have been exhausted).
  • The theory also stipulates that ‘proportional force’ must be used and there must be a reasonable chance of success.

Pacifism in Christianity

  • Pacifism is the belief that any violence, including war, is unjustifiable, and disagreements should be settled peacefully.
  • Many Christians are pacifists, taking Jesus’ teachings about peace, love, and turning the other cheek to heart.
  • Some Christian denominations, like the Quakers, are renowned for their pacifist philosophy and conscientious objection to warfare.

Christianity and Terrorism

  • Christians generally strongly condemn terrorism as contrary to the commands and teachings of Jesus.
  • Christians believe in the sanctity of life and the commandment “you shall not murder”. As such, acts of terrorism, which intentionally harm and kill innocent people, are seen as morally wrong.
  • However, Christians are encouraged to forgive and pray for those who engage in acts of terrorism, in line with the teachings of Jesus.

The Role of Reconciliation and Forgiveness

  • Christianity champions reconciliation and forgiveness as mechanisms through which conflicts can be resolved.
  • Jesus taught the importance of reconciliation in the Parable of the Prodigal Son and urged his followers to forgive one another.
  • Many Christians aspire to follow these teachings in personal and societal conflicts.