Dialogue within and between religious groups

Dialogue within and between religious groups

Section: Dialogue within Hindu Communities

  • Hinduism boasts a diverse range of beliefs, practices, and traditions, which often necessitates internal dialogues within the Hindu community.
  • Hindu communities often engage in constructive discussions addressing variances in the interpretation of sacred scriptures, the caste system, social inequalities, environmental issues, gender roles, and more.
  • Dialogues also exist between different Hindu sects, like Shaivism, Vaishnavism, Smartism and Shaktism, and followers of folk traditions trying to understand each others’ beliefs and practices.

Section: Interfaith Dialogue From a Hindu Perspective

  • Recognising the principle of Sarva Dharma Sambhava (all Dharmas or truths are equal to or harmonious with each other), Hinduism has a long history of interfaith dialogue with other religious communities.
  • Historical records show academic debates and exchanges between Hindu scholars and Buddhists, Jains, and other Indian philosophical schools, providing a basis for the rich tradition of philosophical discourses.
  • Dialogues also emerge from the acknowledgment of the principle of pluralism, which states that truth and paths to the divine are many, and no religion holds an exclusive pathway to the divine.

Section: Contemporary Interfaith Dialogues Involving Hindus

  • Interfaith dialogues today often address key social, political and environmental issues, as well as theological ones, expanding Hinduism’s interactions with religions like Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism and Judaism.
  • Hindus participate in dialogues through global interfaith organisations like Religions for Peace, World Interfaith Harmony Week, and others, using these platforms to share the Hindu perspective on peace, nonviolence, and righteousness.
  • A notable example of interfaith dialogue is represented by the global eco-activism of groups like the Bhumi Project, which works with multi-faith groups addressing urgent ecological challenges, demonstrating Hindu ethics in action.