
Understanding Food Labelling

  • Food labels provide important information about the nutritional content of a product and can help consumers make healthier food choices.

  • A typical food label will include details about calories, fat, saturates (saturated fat), sugars, and salt - the main nutrients to monitor for a healthy diet.

  • Labels also include additional nutritional information such as the amount of protein, carbohydrates, fibre, and specific vitamins or minerals that the product contains.

Traffic Light System

  • Many food products use the traffic light system on their labels, this colour codes the levels of nutrients with red for high, amber for medium, and green for low.

  • This system aims to provide clear, at-a-glance information about the nutritional value of foods. Products with more green and amber lights and fewer red ones are generally healthier choices.

Reference Intake (RI)

  • Reference Intake (RI) is the recommended daily amount of energy (calories) and key nutrients an average person should consume.

  • RI information on labels help consumers understand how a portion of the specific food or drink product fits into their overall diet.

Health and Nutrient Claims

  • Health and nutrient claims on food labels, such as “low in fat” or “high in fibre”, are regulated by law. These must only be used when the product meets strict nutritional criteria.

  • It is crucial to read these claims critically. For instance, a product might advertise that it is “low in fat,” but it could still have high sugar or calorie content.

Ingredients List

  • The ingredients list on a food label provides valuable information for individuals with certain dietary restrictions, allergies, or preferences.

  • Ingredients are listed in descending order by weight. The ingredient that weighs the most is listed first, and the ingredient that weighs the least is listed last.

Understanding food labels is a crucial part of maintaining a balanced diet. These labels provide valuable information that can guide healthier food choices. Proper knowledge of food labels can contribute significantly towards achieving a healthier lifestyle.