Charities and Voluntary/Independent Bodies

Charities and Voluntary/Independent Bodies


  • Mind is a mental health charity in England and Wales offering information and advice to people with mental health problems, as well as lobbying the government and local authorities on mental health issues.
  • It offers services like counselling, advocacy, and a helpline for individuals who need immediate assistance.

Rethink Mental Illness

  • Rethink Mental Illness provides support to people affected by mental illness to lead a better life.
  • Its activities include providing services, groups, and support for people who have mental illness and their caregivers.
  • They campaign for the rights of those with severe mental illness and offer paid membership scheme with added benefits.


  • The Samaritans is an organisation dedicated to preventing suicide and providing emotional support to those who need it.
  • They operate a 24-hour helpline which operates 365 days a year, anyone can call who needs assistance.

BEAT Eating Disorders

  • BEAT aims to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders.
  • It provides helplines for adults and young people, offering support and information about treatment options.

Mental Health Foundation

  • The Mental Health Foundation aims to improve the nations mental health.
  • They focus on public mental health, emphasising prevention, research, and evidence-based policy.

Time to Change

  • Time to Change is a campaigning organisation aimed at ending the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems.
  • It is led by two mental health charities: Mind and Rethink Mental Illness.

Understand that these bodies each have unique approaches to supporting individuals with mental health conditions. Their support ranges from providing direct services to lobbying for better mental health policies, all of which are crucial in improving mental health care.