Psychological Impacts of Ill Health

Understanding Psychological Impacts of Ill Health

  • Ill health, particularly chronic or long-term conditions, may result in emotional distress like anxiety or depression.
  • Individuals may experience a change in self-identity due to major lifestyle adjustments that illnesses can necessitate.
  • Illness can contribute to social isolation, as it may hinder an individual’s ability to interact or maintain relationships.

Types of Psychological Impacts

  • Depression and Anxiety: Both are common among individuals dealing with serious health conditions. They could feel overwhelmed, worried or sad due to the uncertainty of their health status.
  • Stress: Chronic illness can act as a constant source of stress, leading to feelings of constant worry, agitation, and restlessness.
  • Body Image Issues: Conditions that alter physical appearance can lead to issues with self-image and self-esteem.

Dealing with Psychological Impacts

  • Psychological therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can help in managing conditions like depression or anxiety.
  • Support groups can provide emotional assistance and a sense of understanding, alleviating feelings of isolation.
  • Regular exercise can improve mood and reduce stress levels, helping individuals to better cope with their condition.

Effect on Care

  • Psychological distress may impact an individual’s compliance to treatment. People experiencing mental distress may struggle in adhering to medication or therapy routines.
  • Health and social care professionals should be aware of these impacts and address them in a holistic manner. This requires considering the psychological well-being of the patient along with physical health.
  • Ensuring psychological support is part of treatment plans can enhance overall efficacy and improve patient’s quality of life.

Remember, recognising and understanding psychological impacts of ill health enable holistic patient management, improving resilience and promoting overall recovery. It helps in fulfilling the integral role of health and social care professionals, providing care that addresses all aspects of a patient’s health.