Common Signs of Dementia

Common Signs of Dementia

Memory Loss

  • Memory loss is one of the most common early signs of dementia.
  • Difficulty remembering recent events is often noticed, while long-term memory usually remains intact in the early stages.
  • Individuals may tend to repeat stories or questions without realizing they have already asked them.

Difficulty with Tasks and Activities

  • People with dementia often find it hard to complete everyday tasks.
  • They may struggle with managing money, preparing meals, or remembering the rules of a favourite game.
  • As the condition progresses, even familiar tasks can become complicated and confusing.

Confusion and Disorientation

  • Affected individuals frequently get confused with time and place. They may lose track of dates and the passage of time.
  • They may forget where they are or how they got there, and might even get lost in familiar places.

Communication and Language Problems

  • Dementia can also affect language skills. Individuals may struggle to follow or join a conversation.
  • They may stop speaking in the middle of a dialogue, unsure of how to continue.
  • They might have trouble finding the right word or call things by the wrong name.

Mood and Personality Changes

  • Mood swings are common and a person’s personality may change noticeably.
  • Individuals with dementia can become confused, suspicious, fearful, or anxious.
  • They may be easily upset at home, or especially when out of their comfort zone.

Reduced Initiative and Motivation

  • Apathy or lack of interest in usual activities can be a significant symptom.
  • As the disease progresses, individuals may become more passive and spend much of their time sleeping or sitting quietly.

Poor or Decreased Judgment

  • One might notice decaying judgement in a person with dementia. They may make unusually poor decisions.
  • Trouble dealing with money and paying bills is common, and they may be more susceptible to telemarketing calls and scams.

Remember, it’s important to look for consistent rather than one-off changes. An occasional memory slip is normal, but ongoing and progressive changes in memory, personality, and abilities can signal dementia. Also, while the condition is more common in older individuals, dementia is not a normal part of ageing and any concerns should be raised with a medical professional.