Recapping Laws of Indices

Indices with algebra

As with numbers, the laws of indices also apply with algebra. Let’s recap and focus on some more difficult multiplication and division with indices.

Multiplying indices: an x am = an+m

Dividing indices an am = an-m

__Indices with brackets: __

(an)m = (a)n x m

(ab)m = (a)m x (b)m

Negative indices:

__ __Recapping Laws of Indices, figure 1

Fractional Indices:

Recapping Laws of Indices, figure 2

More complicated fractions:

Recapping Laws of Indices, figure 3

Simplifying more complicated expressions

In the higher paper you will be expected to simplify more complicated indices that may combine indices, roots, brackets, fractions and algebra. Eg.

Recapping Laws of Indices, figure 1

( The top being the numerator!)

Recapping Laws of Indices, figure 2

Recapping Laws of Indices, figure 3

Recapping Laws of Indices, figure 4

Simplify: √16v^5t^-6 / √64vt
1 / (4√m)^5