Purposes and Methods of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

Purposes and Methods of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

Verbal Communication

  • Verbal communication is the expression of information using words in speech. It can happen face-to-face, over the phone or through video conferencing.
  • This form of communication is essential for conveying detailed information, offering immediate response, and building relationships.
  • Key purposes of verbal communication in business include giving instructions, sharing ideas, negotiating deals, and managing team members.
  • Effective verbal communication skills, such as clarity of speech, active listening, and constructive feedback, are vital in a business environment.

Non-Verbal Communication

  • Non-verbal communication involves transmitting messages without the use of words. It encompasses body language, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, and tone of voice.
  • Non-verbal cues often work alongside verbal communication to add depth and meaning or to emphasise a point.
  • In business, non-verbal communication can indicate interest, commitment, or disagreement during meetings and presentations, thereby aiding in relationship management.
  • The use of space and physical environment (e.g. open vs closed office spaces, the arrangement of furniture) can also communicate organisational culture and values.

Written Communication

  • Written communication in business can take many forms, including emails, reports, memos, and contracts.
  • It allows for the dissemination of complex or lengthy information that can be referred back to.
  • Key skills for written communication include grammar and spelling proficiency, proper formatting, and maintaining an appropriate tone.
  • Written communication can be formal (e.g. legal contracts, official reports) or informal (e.g. internal emails, casual memos) depending on the context and audience.

Visual Communication

  • Visual communication uses images, graphics, diagrams, and videos to convey information.
  • It can be particularly effective for presenting data and statistical information, as well as for explaining complex processes.
  • Given the growing use of digital platforms in business, visual communication skills are becoming increasingly important.
  • Common forms of visual communication in businesses are infographics, charts in reports, presentations with graphics, and social media posts.

Digital Communication

  • Digital communication uses technology to exchange information in business. Text messages, emails, video calls, and platforms like Google Drive or Microsoft Teams are common digital communication tools.
  • This form of communication offers convenience, speed, wide coverage and can also reduce cost.
  • However, digital communication also presents risks like data security issues and requires steady internet connectivity and digital literacy from all involved parties.

By understanding the distinct elements, features, and uses of verbal, non-verbal, written, visual, and digital communication, individuals can become more effective at fulfilling their roles in the business environment. Effective communication enhances collaboration, problem-solving, decision-making, and overall productivity within a business.