The Techniques and Tools Used by Visual Merchandisers

The Techniques and Tools Used by Visual Merchandisers

Techniques Used by Visual Merchandisers

Concept Development

  • Visual merchandisers begin with concept development. This involves brainstorming around themes, seasons or product lines.
  • They consider the store and brand identity, promotional activities, customer profiles, and current trends.

Planning and Design

  • Detailed planning and design follow concept development. Visual merchandisers draw up plans, often using software like CAD, for window and in-store displays.
  • They consider the storefront, footfall, and purchasing journeys to ensure the most effective placements for products and displays.


  • With a concept and plan in place, visual merchandisers move on to implementation. This involves physically arranging products, signage, and displays.
  • They often work to strict deadlines, particularly for seasonal displays and promotional campaigns.

Tools Used by Visual Merchandisers


  • Mannequins are crucial for clothing retailers. They allow customers to see how clothes look when worn.
  • These can be set up to show complete outfits, promoting the sale of multiple items.

Display Stands and Fixtures

  • Display stands and fixtures are versatile tools that can house a broad range of merchandise. Their use can influence customers’ purchasing journeys and promote high-margin items.
  • They can be standard floor units, endcaps, or wall installations that incorporate shelving, hooks, and other hanging devices.

Props and Decors

  • Props and decor can be used to create visually appealing displays that reinforce the retailer’s brand image and create a sensory environment that appeals to customers.
  • They can also draw attention to particular products or sales.


  • Lighting is key in directing attention to products on display and creating mood or atmosphere in a store.
  • It must be suitable for the purpose of the display - for example, soft lighting may not be appropriate for a display of hardware tools.


  • Technology, including digital signage and interactive displays, helps to capture customer attention and can provide additional information about products.
  • Smart displays can even change content based on who is looking at them, engaging customers personally and making a bigger impact.


  • Signage is essential for directing customers, promoting offers, and providing product information.
  • Good signage is clear and easy-to-read, with a design that aligns with the store’s branding.