Supporting Meetings

Supporting Meetings

Preparation for Meetings

  • Prior to the meeting, identify the purpose of the meeting: what needs to be achieved by the end of the discussion?
  • Create an agenda outlining items to be discussed, in order of priority.
  • Allocate time for each agenda item, allowing time for unplanned discussions as well.
  • Note who should attend the meeting and send invitations with advanced notice, so attendees can make necessary arrangements.
  • Make sure the venue is appropriate for the meeting’s purposes, and that attendees have the necessary resources and tools.

During Meetings

  • Welcome attendees and start the meeting on time.
  • Guide the meeting according to the agenda, but be flexible to adjust as required.
  • Encourage open, respectful and effective communication, ensuring all points of view are heard.
  • Take notes or minutes, detailing decisions made, points of action and any outstanding items to discuss in future meetings.

After Meetings

  • After the meeting, circulate the minutes among attendees and any other relevant parties.
  • Allocate and communicate the tasks that need to be done following the meeting.
  • Track progress on action items and ensure they are carried out in a timely manner.

Collaborative Tools for Meetings

  • Use shared calendars to schedule meetings and send notifications.
  • Use collaborative platforms like Microsoft Teams or Google Workspace for virtual meetings or real-time document collaboration.
  • Incorporate project management tools like Trello or Asana to assign tasks and track progress.

Catering for Different Types of Meetings

  • Whether virtual or face-to-face, the support required for meetings can vary based on its type.
  • Formal meetings may require structured documentation and possibly a formal location, whereas informal meetings may work best in a more relaxed setting.
  • Brainstorming meetings could benefit from the use of whiteboards or digital equivalents for idea collaboration.
  • Update meetings may largely rely on project management tools to present progress so far.
  • For training meetings, ensure necessary equipment and resources are available for the training process.