Interview Skills

Interview Skills

Preparation for Interviews

  • Undertaking proper research on the company before an interview is crucial. This will show your interest and dedication, as well as provide valuable insights into the company’s culture and business models.
  • Prepare answers for common interview questions. Questions could range from describing your strengths and weaknesses, to explaining how your background and skills would benefit the company.
  • Understand the job role you are applying for. Analyse the job description to anticipate the skills and experiences the recruiter might be looking out for.
  • Practise makes perfect. Conduct mock interviews to reduce nervousness, improve your response time, and get comfortable with expressing your thoughts clearly and confidently.

During Interviews

  • A positive first impression counts. Dress appropriately, maintain good eye contact, offer a firm handshake, and exhibit confidence and politeness.
  • Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) when answering situational or behavioural interview questions. This provides a structured and comprehensive answer that showcases your problem-solving abilities.
  • Everybody appreciates an effective communicator. Thus, aim for clear and concise communication, avoiding ramblings or overly complex explanations.
  • Engage with the interviewer. This can be achieved by asking insightful questions about the company or job role.
  • Showcase your enthusiasm. A genuine interest in the job role, company or industry can make you more appealing as a candidate.

After Interviews

  • After the interview, sending a thank-you note or email to the interviewer can leave a positive impression and demonstrate your continued interest in the position.
  • Incorporate feedback from your interviews to continually improve your interview performance and enhance your employability skills.
  • Never get discouraged by rejection. Use it as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and to motivate yourself to do better in future interviews. Remember, each interview is a learning experience!