Working Safely
Working Safely
Understanding Safety Legislation
- Awareness of Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is essential, which is the main piece of legislation governing workplace safety.
- This act places a duty of care on both the employer and employees to ensure the safety of all persons using the work premises.
- Knowledge of Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations which govern the use of hazardous substances.
- Understanding of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations to minimise the risk of injuries related to carrying and lifting.
Health and Safety Procedures
- Importance of risk assessments in identifying hazards and implementing measures to control these risks.
- Understanding the role of first aid and the necessity of having first-aid provisions in the workplace.
- Implementation of emergency procedures such as fire drills and evacuations.
- Awareness of Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) procedures.
Workplace Checks
- Regular inspection and maintenance of workplace equipment to ensure it’s in good working order.
- Ensuring safe office layout to prevent slips, trips and falls.
- Consistent checks of health and safety signage to ensure it’s clear and visible.
- Regular workstation assessments to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal problems and eye strain.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Understanding the importance of using PPE where required to reduce exposure to hazards.
- Making sure PPE is stored properly, maintained and it fits appropriately.
- Awareness of employers’ responsibility to provide PPE and training free of charge.
Education & Training
- Importance of health and safety training to all new employees and refresher courses for existing staff.
- Creating a culture of safety by encouraging safe behaviours and attitudes towards health and safety.
- Learning to recognise potential hazards and knowing how to mitigate them.
- Regular updates on new technologies, procedures and safety standards.