Elements of the Promotional Mix and their Purposes

Elements of the Promotional Mix and their Purposes

Elements of the Promotional Mix

Promotional mix is a set of different strategies used by a business to communicate with its potential and existing customers. The promotional mix includes:

  • Advertising: This is paid-for communication through various media outlets such as newspapers, television, radio, billboards and digital platforms. The purpose of advertising is to reach a large audience and inform potential customers about the business’ products or services.

  • Personal Selling: This method involves a direct interface between a salesperson and the customer. There can be face-to-face communication or over the telephone. The purpose of personal selling is to answer any queries, overcome objections and directly persuade the customer to purchase a product or service.

  • Sales Promotion: These are short-term tactics used to stimulate increased demand or market interest in a product or service. Examples include discounts, coupons, free samples or competitions. The main purpose is to encourage immediate purchase and trial of the product or service.

  • Public Relations: This involves non-paid, positive publicity generated by a third party like media or customers. The aim is to build a positive image and improve the reputation of the business.

  • Direct Marketing: This is a promotional approach that involves communicating directly with targeted customers, using methods such as mailings, telemarketing or email campaigns. The purpose is to generate a response or transaction and create a relationship with customers.

Purposes of the Promotional Mix

Understanding the purposes of the promotional mix is key for a successful promotion strategy:

  • Information Provision: The promotional mix is used by businesses to provide information about the products or services they offer. This could be informing the customer of a new product, its features, benefits and where to purchase it.

  • Demand Stimulation: Another key purpose is to stimulate demand for a product or service. This could be achieved through advertising and sales promotion by offering limited time discounts or bonuses.

  • Brand Image & Reputation: Public relations and advertising together help build and maintain a strong brand image and reputation. It increases goodwill with the public and customer loyalty.

  • Customer Persuasion and Conversion: Personal selling and direct marketing methods are often used with the main aim of persuading and converting potential customers into actual buyers.

  • Customer Retention and Loyalty: By maintaining regular contact with customers and providing them with value-added services or products, businesses aim to increase customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

Understanding these elements and their purposes will help you create a balanced promotional mix strategy for your business that effectively reaches your target market and fulfills your communication goals.