Blood Brothers: genre

Blood Brothers: genre

Nature of the play

  • “Blood Brothers,” a musical by Willy Russell, is profoundly embedded in the genre of Social Drama. This means it reflects and critiques societal issues and norms of the time it was written.
  • As a musical, “Blood Brothers” marries elements of music, comedy, and pathos to both entertain and convey profound messages about class, fate, and superstition.

Genre categories

  • “Blood Brothers” also incorporates elements of Tragedy. Both of the Johnstone twins, despite their different upbringings, meet tragic ends.
  • It’s also a Coming-of-Age Drama. The narrative follows the twins’ growth from childhood into adulthood, examining the societal forces that shape their identities and influence their decisions.

Dramatic elements

  • The genre of Morality Play surfaces in “Blood Brothers.” Characters are confronted with moral dilemmas, their choices lead to various outcomes that act as lessons for the audience.
  • There are elements of Melodrama as well. The theatrical and exaggerated features of the characters, coupled with elaborate music, evoke intense emotions.

Themes of the play

  • Crime Drama is yet another genre present in “Blood Brothers”. It engages with the themes of crime, law, and justice - particularly with the actions of the twins in their adult life.
  • The play incorporates elements of Psychological Drama, especially in the exploration of the characters’ psychological struggles and dilemma.

Social commentary

  • Lastly, “Blood Brothers” is a Social Satire - it acts as a critique of class struggles and the superficiality of the upper class. The divisive societal norms are exaggerated to provoke thought and discussion.