Hansel and Gretel: Performers' physical interpretation of character (build, age, height, facial features, movement, posture, gesture, facial expression)

Hansel and Gretel: Performers’ physical interpretation of character (build, age, height, facial features, movement, posture, gesture, facial expression)

Character’s Physical Interpretation in Hansel and Gretel


  • Hansel: Typically portrayed as a young boy, hence a smaller build, he is agile and active reflecting the adventurous nature of his character.
  • Gretel: Similar to Hansel in terms of age and build but more reserved and cautious, indicating her feminine and cautious demeanor.


  • Hansel: Usually portrayed as a pre-pubescent boy, displaying naive and innocent behavior.
  • Gretel: Portrayed around the same age as Hansel, but often slightly older, acts with greater maturity.


  • Hansel: Represents a young boy and therefore will be of lesser height, emphasizing his childlike qualities.
  • Gretel: Often depicted as slightly taller than Hansel, a reflection of her being the elder sibling.

Facial Features

  • Hansel: Bright-eyed and expressive facial features indicating his cheerful and curious nature.
  • Gretel: Features more mature and serious expressions. Her eyes communicate intelligence and cautiousness.


  • Hansel: Moves energetically and with enthusiasm, showing a joyous and carefree nature.
  • Gretel: Moves with a balance of caution and curiosity, demonstrating her hesitancy compared to her more impulsive brother.


  • Hansel: Upright, open and confident posture, indicating his fearless personality.
  • Gretel: More careful and cautious posture, illustrating her protective and thoughtful nature.


  • Hansel: Performs exaggerated and childlike gestures. His movements are often impulsive and spontaneous.
  • Gretel: Uses precise gestures that display her reflective and cautious personality.

Facial Expression

  • Hansel: Facial expressions range from joy, fear, surprise and determination, showing his emotional journey throughout the narrative.
  • Gretel: Communicates a wider range of emotions including worry, determination, fear and relief, illustrating her complex emotional journey.