Stage manager: daily activities

Stage manager: daily activities

Role and Responsibilities

  • A stage manager is the primary point of contact for all areas of the production, liaising with different departments to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • They are responsible for maintaining a master schedule for rehearsals, performances, and technical operations.
  • Stage managers attend production meetings and rehearsals, taking detailed notes that clarify the director’s requirements and vision.

Preparation and Organisation

  • They develop and distribute daily call sheets, detailing what is required for each day, including personnel, props, sets, and costume changes.
  • They oversee and supervise the setup and breakdown of sets, monitoring its quality control and ensuring that safety regulations are met.
  • Stage managers maintain the backstage area, ensuring that the sets, props, and costumes are in their correct place and that the space is organised and free of clutter.

Rehearsals and Performances

  • During rehearsals, they cue the performers and the technical departments, synchronizing lights, sounds, and special effects with the action on the stage.
  • They apply changes to the script, blocking, or other elements of the play as required by the director, and make sure everyone is aware of these changes.
  • The stage manager records the details of each performance in a show report, documenting any hitches or deviations from the planned script or blocking.

Crisis Management and Morale Boosting

  • They are involved in the overall problem-solving process, applying their extensive knowledge of the production to resolve issues and make the show run smoothly.
  • Emergency situations often require the immediate response of the stage manager. For instance, they might need to coordinate a replacement if an actor falls ill.
  • Stage managers also maintain morale amongst the cast and crew, ensuring a positive and productive working environment.