Blood Brothers: sub-text

Blood Brothers: sub-text

Understanding Sub-Text in Blood Brothers

Understanding sub-text, or the underlying thoughts, motives, and meanings in the dialogues and actions of the characters that aren’t directly stated, is an important component of your AQA Drama GCSE exam for “Blood Brothers”.

Use of Dramatic Irony

  • The dramatic irony in “Blood Brothers” presents strong sub-text. The tension of the audience knowing about the twin brothers’ fate from the start while the characters remain ignorant of it forms a powerful sub-text throughout the play.

Themes as Sub-Text

  • Class conflict is an important sub-text. The challenges of class mobility, the socio-economic barriers faced by lower classes, and the distinction between the privileged and the underprivileged are underlying themes.
  • The concept of Nature vs. Nurture comes out strongly in the sub-text. The differences between Mickey and Eddie, despite being twins, due to their different upbringings contributes to the sub-textual content.
  • Superstition and fate embedded in the character of Mrs. Johnstone provide another layer of sub-text. Her superstitious beliefs set the course of the play and impact decisions she makes for her sons.
  • Exploitation and powerlessness of the lower class also form part of the sub-text, showcased through Mrs. Lyon’s manipulation of Mrs. Johnstone’s superstitious beliefs to separate the twins.
  • The theme of repeating cycles is a key sub-text. History repeating itself, such as Mickey becoming a father at the same age as his mother, reinforces the theme of unending poverty and despair.

Dramatic Devices Contribute to Sub-Text

  • The use of dramatic devices like foreshadowing and symbolism also add to the sub-text. Examples include the song “Marilyn Monroe” as a recurrent motif, symbolising shattered dreams and death.

By understanding what’s “beneath the surface” of the text, you can deepen your comprehension of “Blood Brothers”, making you better prepared for your final performance and analysis. Always remember to back your observations with evidence from the text.