Organisations who can Support the Rights of the Employer and the Employee

Organisations who can Support the Rights of the Employer and the Employee

Understanding Employers’ and Employees’ Rights

  • Employment rights dictate what is legally accepted in the relationship between an employer and their employee. They include fair wages, safe working conditions, and the right not to be discriminated against.
  • Statutory rights are legal obligations that all employers must adhere to. These include the right to a written statement of employment particulars and the right to be paid at least the National Minimum Wage.
  • There are also contractual rights, which are additional rights agreed between the employer and the employee upon signing of the employment contract.

Rights of Employers

  • Employers have the right to manage their business within the framework of the law. This includes setting work hours, assigning tasks, and managing performance.

Key Supporting Organisations

Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS)

  • ACAS provides free and impartial advice to employers, employees, and their representatives on all kinds of workplace relations and employment law.
  • They help resolve workplace disputes through a method known as conciliation, where a neutral third party facilitates discussion between two parties in conflict.

Trade Unions

  • Trade unions protect and further the rights of their members at work. They can negotiate with employers for better pay and conditions. Workers may choose to join a trade union in their workplace.
  • Collective bargaining is when a trade union negotiates with an employer on behalf of its members.

Employment Tribunals

  • Employees who believe they have been treated unlawfully by their employer can bring their case to an Employment Tribunal. This is a legal body that resolves disputes between employers and employees.
  • Both sides usually have legal representation, and the tribunal’s decision is legally binding.

Citizens Advice

  • Citizens Advice provides free, confidential and independent advice to help people overcome their problems. They can give advice on employment rights and how to resolve workplace disputes.

Importance of Supporting Organisations

  • These organisations are fundamental in ensuring fair treatment in the workplace. They provide resources, support, and help to navigate complex employment law situations.
  • They contribute to creating a more balanced, equal and fair working environment, where both employees and employers can thrive.