Management and Leadership Skills

Understanding Management and Leadership Skills

Communication Skills

  • Management requires excellent communication skills that involve actively listening and expressing oneself clearly.
  • Leadership involves inspiring and motivating team members, which requires the ability to be persuasive.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

  • Effective managers can identify problems, analyse information, and make decisions that benefit the organisation.
  • Leaders require the ability to innovate, come up with new ideas, and devise solutions to problems.


  • Managers must be able to effectively allocate tasks to team members based on their skills and strengths.
  • A good leader trusts others to perform tasks without unnecessary supervision.

Time Management

  • The ability to prioritise tasks and maintain efficiency is crucial for a manager.
  • Leaders ensure the team stays on schedule and meets deadlines.

Team Building

  • A manager’s role includes the ability to build a cohesive team.
  • As a leader, fostering a positive work environment where everyone feels valued plays a key role.


  • Managers must adapt to changes in the business environment and make necessary adjustments.
  • Leaders should be resilient and able to adjust their style of leadership to different situations.

Conflict Management

  • Managers must address conflicts promptly and try to resolve them in a way that produces a positive outcome.
  • Leaders promote a harmonious environment, deal with disagreements constructively, and consider everyone’s perspective.

Strategic Planning

  • Managers are involved in setting goals, developing strategies, and coordinating resources to achieve the organisation’s objectives.
  • Leaders play a key role in creating a vision, setting the direction, and inspiring others to achieve it.