Functions of Management and Leadership

Functions of Management and Leadership

Functions of Management

  • Planning: The process of setting goals and deciding how to best achieve them. This involves identifying what the organisation or team needs to achieve, setting objectives, and determining the best ways to fulfil these goals.

  • Organizing: The process of arranging and distributing work, dividing responsibilities among team members or staff, allocating resources, and creating a structure to perform tasks and operations necessary to achieve objectives.

  • Directing (or Leading): The process of guiding and motivating employees to meet the organisation’s objectives. This function involves leading by example, establishing productive communication patterns, and motivating team members.

  • Controlling: The process of monitoring progress towards the organisation’s goals and making corrections to keep it on track. It includes setting standards, measuring actual performance, and taking corrective action when necessary.

Functions of Leadership

  • Visionary Leadership: Establishing a clear vision for the organisation, and then guiding the organisation towards this vision by influencing and inspiring staff to achieve their personal best.

  • Coaching and Developing Team Members: Encouraging growth of individual skills and abilities by providing mentoring, feedback, and opportunities for professional development.

  • Decision Making: Leaders are responsible for making difficult decisions in the interest of the team and organisation. This involves assessing risks and benefits, consulting team members, and managing the outcomes.

  • Communicating and Facilitating Communication: Leaders must be effective communicators to keep team members informed and involved. This involves holding regular meetings, being accessible, listening actively, and encouraging open communication.

  • Managing Change: Leaders have to anticipate changes in the market, assess organisational readiness, and guide their teams through these changes.