Problem Solving

Problem Solving

Identifying and Clarifying Problems

  • Understand the nature of problems occurring during an event
  • Prioritize problems according to their impact on the event
  • Collect relevant information to analyze the problem. This should include soliciting feedback from your team and attendees

Developing Possible Solutions

  • Brainstorm multiple possible solutions, considering the available resources, time and impact on the event
  • Consider possible reactions to each solution. This includes thinking about any unintended consequences that might arise
  • Take into account the views of others who might be affected, whether that’s event staff, attendees, or stakeholders

Evaluating Solutions

  • Consider the feasibility of each potential solution. This includes understanding whether the resources needed for the solution are available
  • Evaluate the potential effectiveness of each solution. This could involve running scenarios to see potential outcomes
  • Make a clear decision on which solution to implement. This should be based on all the previous steps and careful consideration

Implementing and Evaluating the Solution

  • Once a decision on the solution has been made, develop a clear plan for implementation. This should include breaking the solution down into actionable steps
  • Execute the plan and monitor its impact. This should involve constant feedback loops to assess whether the solution is working
  • After the solution has been implemented, conduct a review. Understand what worked and what didn’t, to inform future problem-solving strategies