

Chapter: Assessing Children’s Development Support Needs

Topic: Factors Influencing Development

• Environment: A child’s environment can greatly affect their development. For instance, a safe and nurturing environment can encourage positive development while a volatile or neglectful environment might hinder it.

• Health: Physical health impacts development. Regular exercise, good nutrition, and adequate sleep are vital to a child’s cognitive, emotional and physical development.

• Socio-economic Status: Socio-economic conditions can influence a child’s development. Lack of finance may limit access to quality education or nutritious food which can in turn impact development.

• Education: Quality and level of education received can significantly impact a child’s cognitive and social development. This includes both formal education and parental teaching.

• Family Structure: The dynamics within a family, including parental involvement and sibling relationships, can greatly affect a child’s development.

• Culture: Cultural values, norms, and practised traditions can shape a child’s beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours, impacting various aspects of development.

Topic: Assessing Support Needs

• Listening: It’s essential to pay attention to what children say about their needs and feelings. They often give clues about where they need support.

• Observation: Watch how children interact with others and with their environment. Their actions can provide insights into what their potential needs might be.

• Testing: Various development tests can help identify where a child needs support. These tests might assess language skills, motor skills, cognitive abilities or emotional health.

• Collaboration with Experts: Working alongside speech therapists, counsellors, occupational therapists, and other professionals can provide a comprehensive view of a child’s needs.

• Regular Review: Child development should be reviewed regularly. This helps ensure that any changes in development are noted, and support is adjusted accordingly.

Remember, each child is unique and has different development and support needs. Good luck with your revision!