The Biomedical Model of Health and Alternatives

The Biomedical Model of Health and Alternatives

  • The Biomedical Model of Health is a traditional perspective emphasising biological factors in disease and illness, often ignoring the role of social and psychological factors.
  • This model views the body as a machine that can be broken or fixed, focusing on the physical processes that cause disease, such as the biochemistry, physiology, and pathology of a condition.
  • Preventive measures under this model usually focus on changes in lifestyle like diet and exercise. It essentially assumes that illness and health issues are always of physical origin.
  • One major criticism of the Biomedical Model is its neglect of the individual’s subjective experience of illness, the social context of disease, and the influence of lifestyle factors.
  • The Biopsychosocial Model of Health is an alternative to the Biomedical Model. It views health and illness as products of a combination of factors including biological characteristics, behavioural factors, and social conditions. It suggests that health is best understood in terms of a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors rather than purely in biological terms.
  • Another alternative is the Social Model of Health, which emphasises the impact of the social environment on health. It stresses the importance of addressing the root social and structural causes of health differences, such as poverty, inequality, and social exclusion. The model is more about the social determinants of health such as your workplace, income, education level, and where you live, rather than a traditional view of health.
  • The Holistic Model is another alternative that considers health as a state of overall wellbeing encompassing physical health, but also considering mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It encourages taking personal responsibility for one’s own health and healing.
  • Each model has its strengths and weaknesses. The choice of model could influence the approach to diagnosing and treating diseases.
  • Understanding these health models can help healthcare professionals to approach different patients and conditions in the most effective way possible.

It’s important to familiarise oneself with these models to deepen understanding about the complexities and different approaches to health.