Care Methods and Strategies

  • Care methods and strategies are essential in managing and treating physiological disorders. They refer to the various approaches used by healthcare professionals to support the well-being of individuals with health conditions or disabilities.

  • These strategies aim to improve an individual’s quality of life, ensure their safety, promote independence, help manage symptoms, slow disease progression, and prevent complications.

  • Person-centred care: This approach considers individuals’ unique needs, preferences, and strengths. It ensures that choices about their care and treatment are respected, promoting autonomy and involvement in decision-making.

  • Holistic care: This strategy looks at all aspects of a person’s health - mental, physical, and social - and ensures that their treatment plan considers all these factors. This means care includes emotional support and lifestyle advice, not just medication or surgery.

  • Multidisciplinary team: This is a group of professionals from different specialities who work together to provide a comprehensive, coordinated service.

  • Medication management: It’s important to ensure that the individual takes their prescribed medication correctly to manage their symptoms and slow down the progression of the disorder.

  • Non-medical interventions: These interventions can be included as part of a treatment plan to manage physiological disorders. They include physiotherapy, counselling, occupational therapy, diet and nutrition advice, and mindfulness practices.

  • Health Education: Teaching about managing symptoms, lifestyle changes, diet, exercise, and medication can play a major role in disordered management.

  • Monitoring and review: Regular check-ups, monitoring progress, and adjusting treatment plans based on the individual’s changing needs are vital.

  • Self-management support: This equips individuals with the skills and confidence to manage their own condition at home, reducing dependence on healthcare professionals.

  • Family and community services support: Family members and community services can provide practical help like transportation, home modifications, meal service, which play a big role alongside medical treatment.

  • Palliative care: For some chronic and progressive disorders, the focus might be on managing symptoms and improving quality of life rather than curing the disease.

  • Care plans: A document that outlines a person’s assessed needs, identified problems, agreed outcomes, and actions to be taken by the person and the services. It forms the platform for shared decision-making.