Health and Safety Responsibilities

Health and Safety Responsibilities

  • Understand the importance of following workplace health and safety policies and procedures to prevent accidents and injuries.
  • Recognise the responsibilities of employers and employees under health and safety laws, such as the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other related legislations - these include providing safe equipment and environment, adequate training and monitoring health and safety risks.
  • Learn about risk assessments and their role in preventing accidents or illnesses. This includes understanding the process of identifying dangers, estimating potential harm, and implementing control measures.
  • Understand that individuals need to use protective equipment when necessary and follow safe procedures for handling, storing, and disposing of hazardous materials.
  • Understand the role of health and safety training in enhancing safe practices. This includes awareness of safety procedures, using equipment correctly, and understanding actions to take in emergency situations.
  • Be aware of the requirements for correct moving and handling of individuals and equipment in health and social care settings to prevent injury.
  • Understand the need to report health and safety concerns to the appropriate person in the workplace, and be familiar with whistleblowing policy for serious concerns.
  • Learn about infection prevention and control, including the importance of good hygiene practices, correct use of personal protective equipment, and management of waste.
  • Understand the importance of regular check-ups, inspections and maintenance of equipment and facilities to ensure their safety.
  • Know about the principles of First Aid and the role it plays in promoting safety.
  • Understand the importance of safeguarding and protecting individuals in health and social care settings, including the right to safe and dignified care.
  • Be aware of the potential stress and hazards linked with providing care, acknowledging the role of proper self-care and support systems in maintaining a healthy working environment.