Preparing for a multi-day expedition

Preparing for a multi-day expedition

Route Planning

  • Choice of route: Depending on the objectives of the expedition, the route should be carefully selected taking into consideration factors such as difficulty, distance, and nearby natural or cultural points of interest.
  • Map reading: Proper understanding of how to read a map is essential. This includes understanding symbols, features, and ability to estimate time and distance.
  • Emergency routes: Always have a plan for how to quickly reach safety in case of emergency. This could include identifying nearest medical facilities, escape routes etc.

Equipment Preparation

  • Checklist: Create a detailed checklist of all the necessary equipment and supplies required for the expedition. Include everything from camping equipment and navigation tools to first aid kit and food supplies.
  • Equipment condition: All equipment should be thoroughly checked for wear and tear. Anything that is found to be in a substandard condition should be replaced.
  • Balancing the load: Distribute weight evenly in the backpack to make carrying it more comfortable and to reduce the risk of injury.

Food and Water Provisions

  • Food quantities: Calculate approximate food requirements based on the length of the expedition and the amount of energy you expect to expend. Always bring a bit extra, just in case.
  • Preservation: Select foods that are lightweight, non-perishable and easy to cook. Foods in pouches or cans can often be eaten cold if necessary.
  • Water purification: Always have a method for purifying water, whether that be iodine tablets, a small stove for boiling, or a water filter.

Health and Safety Preparation

  • Fitness levels: Assess your current physical condition and make sure it matches with the demands of the journey.
  • First Aid: A well-stocked first aid kit is crucial, as is the knowledge of how to use everything in it. Recommended items include bandages, plasters, antiseptic wipes, tweezers and painkillers.
  • Weather conditions: Research and understand the expected weather conditions during the expedition and plan accordingly.
  • Permissions: Obtain any necessary permissions or permits required for your journey. This might include landowner permission, or special permits for protected areas.
  • Leave No Trace principles: Familiarise yourself with the principles of Leave No Trace camping, which include disposing of waste properly, leaving what you find, and respecting wildlife and other visitors.