Planning to participate in land-based outdoor and adventurous activities

Planning to participate in land-based outdoor and adventurous activities

Setting Activity Objectives

  • Understanding the purpose of the activity: Identify why the outdoor and adventurous activity is being carried out. Objectives may include team building, skill development, fun and enjoyment, or physical fitness.
  • Goals need to be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound. Ensure all goals and objectives are clear and achievable.
  • Goals for individual participants: Personal goals should also be considered in planning, such as improving a specific skill or conquering a personal fear.

Identifying Hazards

  • Risk assessment: Identifying potential hazards associated with the activity and environment comes foremost. This could range from differing weather conditions to potential risks posed by the activity itself (e.g. falling while rock climbing).
  • Risk management: Once hazards are identified, corresponding controls should be put into place to manage and reduce the likelihood of these risks.
  • Prepared for emergencies: Emergency procedures should be planned and known by all participants, including how to access first aid and who to contact in case of an emergency.

Resources Required

  • Identifying necessary equipment: Ensure you have the right tools, equipment and clothing for the planned activity.
  • Understanding equipment checks: Equipment should be in good working condition and checks should be performed regularly. Remember to include back-up equipment and spares.
  • Food and hydration: Depending on the length and intensity of the activity, adequate sustenance will be necessary for all participants.

Route Planning

  • General overview of the route: Familiarise with the area where the activity will take place, note key landmarks, directions and distances between different points.
  • Alternative routes: Always have a backup plan prepared. Incidents, bad weather or other unexpected situations may call for a change in the original plan.
  • Understanding map types: There are various types of maps - OS maps, topographic maps, trail maps, etc. Ensure that the most appropriate map is chosen for the activity.

Weather Conditions

  • Checking the forecast: Check weather conditions for the days and location of the activity.
  • Adapting the activity to weather: Always be prepared to adapt plans according to the weather. Understand how different weather conditions will affect the chosen activity.
  • Safety first: If the weather poses a too high risk, the activity should be cancelled or moved to a safer time/place.

Participant Readiness

  • Skill level: Ensure that all participants have the necessary skills for the activity. Some outdoor and adventurous activities may require a certain skill level for participation.
  • Health and fitness: Take into account participants’ health and fitness levels. Those with existing health conditions should consult with a doctor before joining certain high-intensity activities.
  • Informed consent: Participants (and their parents/guardians if under 18) should be informed of the risks involved in the activity and their consent should be obtained.