Developing plans

Developing Plans

Understanding the Group

  • Identify the participant’s abilities and experience levels before making any plan. This ensures appropriate activity difficulty and challenge level.
  • Take into consideration any special needs and ensure the planned activities are inclusive.
  • Be aware of the group size. Larger groups may require different logistics and management strategies than smaller ones.

Setting Objectives

  • Clearly establish purpose of the activity. Are you teaching a new skill, promoting teamwork, or focusing on enjoyment? Set these goals beforehand.
  • Determine learning outcomes or targets for participants. This may be skill acquisition, team-building achievement or personal development goals.

Selecting Appropriate Activities

  • Choose activities that are suitable for the group’s skill level, experience, and the planned learning outcomes.
  • Research alternative activities. Sometimes, weather conditions or unexpected situations will require a change in plan.

Structuring the Plan

  • Sequence activities in an appropriate order. For instance, start with warm-up or ice-breaker games, then move to the main activity, followed by a cool-down or reflection session.
  • Allow for ample time between activities for rest, meal breaks, or contingencies that may arise.
  • Incorporate Dry Run or practices before the actual activity for better understanding and safety.

Risk Management

  • Carry out a thorough Risk Assessment to identify any potential hazards in the planned activities or location.
  • Develop a risk management strategy which includes emergency procedures and contingency plans.
  • Ensure all activities adhere to relevant health and safety guidelines.

Resources and Equipment

  • Identify what resources and equipment you will need.
  • Ensure you have extra supplies for emergencies.
  • All equipment should be checked to confirm it is safe and functional.


  • Share your plan with the participants and any other leaders or coordinators you may be working with.
  • Make sure everyone understands the plan, the goals, and what is expected of them.
  • Regularly review, take feedback and make amendments as necessary. Participants should be aware of these changes.

Regular Review and Feedback

  • Seek feedback on how well the plan worked in practice.
  • Reflect on your own experiences leading the activity.
  • Make necessary changes for future planning.