Components of sports activity session

Components of sports activity session

Components of a Sports Activity Session

Bird’s Eye View: Overview

  • A sports activity session typically encompasses planning, conducting and evaluating a sequence of activities centered on a given sport.
  • It’s important to view the session as an opportunity to reach defined goals and make notable progress, rather than just improvising without a purpose.

Seed Stage: Planning

  • The session should begin with a clear and accessible plan that outlines what is to be achieved.
  • This plan should be based on the goals of the participants and include specific objectives for the session.
  • Equipment and resources needed for the session should also be listed in the plan alongside possible risk assessments.

Growing Stage: Warm Up

  • Prior to starting the actual sports activities, a warm up period is required. This aims to prepare the individual’s body for the physical challenges ahead.
  • A warm up routine can vary from easy exercises to specifically designed routines according to the sport and age, fitness level of the participants.

Blossom Stage: Main Activity

  • The main session activities should be related to the objectives outlined in the initial planning stage.
  • It should include specific skill development activities, drills or exercises pertinent to the sport.
  • Depending on the sport and objectives, it may involve individual drills, team-related activities or game situations.

Reaping Stage: Cool Down

  • Cool down phase allows the participant’s body to gradually transition to a state of rest, and it is as important as the warm-up.
  • Cool downs often involves slower exercises and prolonged stretching.

Harvest Stage: Evaluation

  • Post-session evaluation is paramount to note any areas of improvement or issues that arose during the session.
  • This can involve feedback from participants and self-review as a leader.
  • Finally, understanding the feedback can influence future planning, leading to more effective sport activity sessions.

Cycle Continuation: Learning Outcomes

  • Each session should contribute to the overall learning outcomes of the participants.
  • These outcomes may be technical skill improvements, better understanding of the game strategies, or improving the mental aspects of the sport.
  • By the end of a sequence of sessions, there should be a clear progression against this defined learning outcomes.