Equipment-related risks and hazards

Equipment-Related Risks and Hazards

Inappropriate Equipment

  • Equipment that is not suitable or designed for a particular sport increases the risk of injuries. For example, using road running shoes for a rugged trail run can lead to slips and falls.
  • Using improperly fitted equipment, such as helmets or protective gear, can lead to issues such as discomfort, limited mobility, or inadequate protection during impact.

Damaged or Faulty Equipment

  • Equipment that is damaged or worn out can lead to unexpected failures, which present a serious risk during high-impact sports. This could include things like cracked helmets or rackets, or frayed ropes in climbing.
  • In some cases, using defective equipment can lead to severe accidents, such as a snapped ski binding causing a fall and subsequent injury.

Incorrectly Set Up Equipment

  • Equipment that isn’t set up properly, such as gym machines, trampolines, or even things like goal nets in football, can cause injuries by collapsing or failing during use.
  • Incorrectly set up equipment can also lead to less obvious injuries caused by imbalanced strain or exertion. For example, a poorly set up bicycle can cause repetitive strain injuries over time.

Lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Failing to use appropriate PPE, such as mouthguards in rugby or helmets in cricket, greatly increases the risk of preventable injuries.
  • PPE should be properly fitted and worn correctly for maximum protection. Misusing or improperly wearing PPE (like not fastening a helmet correctly) reduces its effectiveness.

Misuse of equipment

  • Equipment used in a manner that it was not intended for (for instance, swinging a cricket bat at something other than a ball) is likely to result in injury.
  • Misuse of equipment can also lead to its damage or breakdown, creating a risk of unexpected equipment failure later on.

Lack of Equipment Maintenance

  • Failure to maintain or service sporting equipment can lead to it becoming damaged or unsafe over time.
  • Simple steps like regular checks, cleaning, and replacing wear parts can greatly extend the life of equipment and prevent many risks and hazards.