Undertaking a sport community volunteering placement

Undertaking a sport community volunteering placement

Choosing a Placement

  • Identifying personal interests and skills: Being aware of the sports you enjoy and your competency levels helps in selecting a suitable volunteering placement that you would be passionate about.
  • Researching options: Learning about different organisations, events, or programs seeking volunteers can help you make an informed choice.
  • Factors to consider: The nature of the work, the location, the necessary commitment, and the skills required are crucial when determining a placement.

Preparing for a Volunteering Placement

  • Understanding roles and responsibilities: Knowing what is expected of you and the tasks you would be performing is necessary for the preparation process.
  • Training: Some placements may need specific training such as first aid or safeguarding courses. Be aware of these and plan to undertake them if necessary.
  • Developing a plan: Create personal objectives for your placement to guide your experience and help you make the most of the opportunity.

During The Volunteering Placement

  • Adherence to regulations and policies: Follow the correct processes and abide by the rules set by the organisation.
  • Showing initiative: Going beyond what’s expected of you can make the placement more beneficial and fulfilling.
  • Building professional relationships with staff and other volunteers to enhance teamwork and communication for the overall success of the project.
  • Respecting diversity: Recognise and appreciate the differences in individuals or groups you interact with and adapt your approach accordingly.
  • Seeking feedback and supervision: Regularly request for and reflect on input from supervisors to improve as you progress.

After The Volunteering Placement

  • Reflecting on your experience: Evaluate what you learned, what you enjoyed and what the challenges were. Consider how these could affect future choices.
  • Following up on connections made: Maintain the relationships you developed during your placement. These could be valuable networking resources in the future.
  • Adding the experience to your CV: Highlight what you did, skills gained and any achievements or recognitions.
  • Understanding the potential for further opportunities: Completing a placement could lead to more responsibilities, a paid role or new volunteering opportunities, hence take note of any doors your recent experience could open.