Review own leadership performance

Review own leadership performance

Reviewing Own Leadership Performance


  • Self-reflection is a key aspect of improving leadership performance. Leaders should regularly assess their own performances and identify areas requiring enhancement.
  • Constructive self-criticism can help in identifying shortcomings. Honestly identifying strengths and weaknesses can provide a foundation to build upon.
  • Reflect on how effectively goals and objectives were met, whether the team was managed efficiently, and how well risks were managed.
  • Gauge your performance by observing the reactions and responses of the participants. Their engagement, understanding, and enjoyment provide important clues.

Seeking Feedback

  • Another method of reviewing performance is seeking feedback from participants and fellow leaders. Feedback helps in recognising strengths and weaknesses that you might overlook.
  • Encourage honest and constructive feedback. This can be done through feedback forms or open discussions.
  • Seek feedback on different aspects including technical skills, soft skills, planning capabilities, and risk management.

Measuring Against Benchmarks

  • Establish benchmarks or standards for comparison. These could be based on industry best practices or desired personal achievements.
  • Measure performance against these standards on multiple parameters, such as safety commitment, leadership skills, communication, and adaptability.

Implementing Improvements

  • Once shortcomings are recognised, implement improvements. Leadership development involves a continuous learning process.
  • Identify necessary training or courses which could enhance your abilities and competence.
  • Remember that mistakes and failures are opportunities for learning. Adopt a growth mindset where you see every experience as a chance to learn and improve.

Monitoring Over Time

  • Progress should be tracked over time. This allows observation of positive and negative trends in performance.
  • Regularly reassess your approaches. If an improvement strategy isn’t working as expected, modify it or try new methods.
  • Celebrate success and recognise improvements. This boosts self-confidence and reinforces the commitment towards better performance.

Ensuring Continual Development

  • Keep up to date with industry standards and practices. Engage in lifelong learning.
  • Participate in relevant seminars, workshops, or training programmes.
  • Look for mentorship opportunities, or learn from the experiences of successful leaders. These can provide invaluable insights from practical scenarios.