Set goals for further development

Set goals for further development

Setting Goals for Further Development


  • Setting goals for further development refers to the process of establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives that an athlete wants to accomplish over a specific period of time.

Importance of Goal Setting

  • Creates focus and direction: Goals provide athletes with something to strive for, helping them stay motivated and committed.

  • Encourages self-discipline: Goals can challenge an athlete to push beyond their comfort zone and foster discipline and consistency in training and performance.

  • Enhances performance: Properly set goals can stretch an individual’s abilities and lead to improvement in their sports performance.


  • Specific: Goals must be clear and well-defined to provide a clear direction. For instance, instead of ‘improving endurance’, ‘run 5km in under 20 minutes’ is a specific goal.

  • Measurable: Goals should be quantifiable, allowing the athlete to track progress and know when the goal has been achieved.

  • Achievable: Goals should be realistic and attainable, considering the individual’s abilities and resources.

  • Relevant: Goals need to be pertinent to the athlete’s sport and should contribute to overall performance enhancement.

  • Time-bound: Goals must have a clear timeline or deadline to promote immediate action and maintain motivation.

Goal Setting Process

  • Identify areas that need improvement: Through performance profiling, athletes can identify their strengths and weaknesses and where improvement is needed.

  • Establish SMART goals: Define the specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals that align with the areas needing improvement.

  • Implement action steps: Determine the strategies, techniques, training, or interventions needed to achieve the set goals.

  • Monitor progress: Regularly review and assess the progress towards achieving the set goals.

  • Adjust goals as necessary: If a goal turns out to be unattainable or less relevant, it’s fine to adjust it accordingly.

Pitfalls of Goal Setting

  • Setting unrealistic goals: Goals that are too ambitious can lead to frustration and a decrease in motivation.

  • Neglecting process goals: Athletes should not only focus on the end result (outcome goal), but also on the steps needed to get there (process goals).

  • Insufficient monitoring: Without regular reviews, athletes might not realise if they are on track to achieving their goals.

Remember, goal setting is an ongoing activity; it should be flexible and adjustable according to an athlete’s progress and changing circumstances. In sports, it provides a roadmap towards athletic development and performance enhancement.